ME901 – Middle East Small Village Set


This set contains all the parts you need to make a small middle eastern village setup on your table top at a discounted price.  Ordered individually these items would cost $162 CND, however when bought as a set you get them for $135!


This set contains all the parts you need to make a small middle eastern village setup on your table top at a discounted price.  Ordered individually these items would cost $162 CND, however when bought as a set you get them for $135!

The set contains the following items:

ME001 – Small Hut
ME002 – Rectangular building
ME003 – Rectangular building with courtyard
ME004 – Small hut with courtyard
ME005 – Two story house
ME011 – Garage
ME021 – Small Bazzar
ME022 – Large Bazzar
ME031 – Walls and Gate set

For complete details about each building check out the Middle East section of the store.