EP051 – Eden Prime – Walkways Set


This kit includes 1x stair section, 1 long straight section, 1 short straight section, 1 long angle ended section, and 3 short angle ended sections.


Welcome to the world of Eden Prime, designed by The State of Play.  Eden Prime is a world inspired by many sci-fi games and movies where settlers and explorers have come from across the starts and started to settle the world in pre-constructed habitation blocks (hab blocks for short).  These buildings were designed for use with 28mm to 32mm scale miniatures and work perfectly for sci-fi games such as Infinity, Warhammer 40k, Star Wars: Legion, Stargrave, Sedition Wars, and many more!

This kit includes 1x stair section, 1 long straight section, 1 short straight section, 1 long angle ended section, and 3 short angle ended sections.

This building is supplied as an MDF and taskboard kit, and requires assembly and paint.

These kits are highly modular and can be arranged in various ways to provide interesting setups to fight over.  You can find out more about the buildings, the designer, how to assemble them and use them in these videos: State of Play – Eden Prime and Now Magnetized.

NOTE: The building shown in the image is for scale only and is sold separately.

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